February 06, 2010

Magazine Cover
As my target audience is that of females aged 16-25 therefore, I have chosen to aim for the younger end of my audience whilst targeting the age range in general as I feel it will be easier for me to produce a product that will relate to the potential younger readers.
I have chosen for the masthead to take up the top half of the page so that it will be dominant and therefore easily recognisable for my audience. I have also decided to have 'magazine' written underneath to reinforce the idea of the magazine and so that the reader does not mistake it for another magazine. This was also evident in the Doctor Who magazine cover, as they have also placed the word 'magazine' under the masthead.
Regarding the female audience, I have chosen to incorporate some conventions of stereotypical associations to this gender such as fashion, beauty and relationship problems. Furthermore, other articles to help reinforce that this is a TV Drama Magazine are those relative to the shows content. I have chosen to articles associated with university life and horoscopes. in addition to this, I have also included an episode time line to give the magazine a complete referral back to the TV show. This means that whilst the audience is being provided general enticements they are being bought back to the show at all times.
I have also included a competition as a teaser so that the reader is drawn into the context of the magazine and are tempted to purchase it. I have chosen to relate the competition back to my female audience and provide them with a 'luxury shopping spree'. The word 'luxury' acts as a teaser that helps draw the audience in to the magazine.
My choice of image was to have a long shot of a girl blowing her hair upwards to provide a sense of boredom and idle. thus making it relative to the audience once again, however i feel that i may have to change this later on and then try and make it more engaging with a possibly more up beat expression and add to the appeal of the magazine.
So far I have come to a conclusion of having red and black as the main colour scheme for the magazine. I feel that these two colours are dominating and will give the magazine a sort of formality therefore, appealing to my audience.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -As my target audience is that of females aged 16-25 therefore, I have chosen to aim for the younger end of my audience whilst targeting the age range in general as I feel it will be easier for me to produce a product that will relate to the potential younger readers.
I have chosen for the masthead to take up the top half of the page so that it will be dominant and therefore easily recognisable for my audience. I have also decided to have 'magazine' written underneath to reinforce the idea of the magazine and so that the reader does not mistake it for another magazine. This was also evident in the Doctor Who magazine cover, as they have also placed the word 'magazine' under the masthead.
Regarding the female audience, I have chosen to incorporate some conventions of stereotypical associations to this gender such as fashion, beauty and relationship problems. Furthermore, other articles to help reinforce that this is a TV Drama Magazine are those relative to the shows content. I have chosen to articles associated with university life and horoscopes. in addition to this, I have also included an episode time line to give the magazine a complete referral back to the TV show. This means that whilst the audience is being provided general enticements they are being bought back to the show at all times.
I have also included a competition as a teaser so that the reader is drawn into the context of the magazine and are tempted to purchase it. I have chosen to relate the competition back to my female audience and provide them with a 'luxury shopping spree'. The word 'luxury' acts as a teaser that helps draw the audience in to the magazine.
My choice of image was to have a long shot of a girl blowing her hair upwards to provide a sense of boredom and idle. thus making it relative to the audience once again, however i feel that i may have to change this later on and then try and make it more engaging with a possibly more up beat expression and add to the appeal of the magazine.
So far I have come to a conclusion of having red and black as the main colour scheme for the magazine. I feel that these two colours are dominating and will give the magazine a sort of formality therefore, appealing to my audience.
DVD Cover

I chose to go for a sectioned front cover with 3 of the main characters. This would notify the audience that this season would have been predominantly about them. The body language for each of the characters will have hinted their nature within the show and i chose for the two females to have a slightly arrogant and reserved posture and the male character to have a nonchalant posture to the dominance of the female characters over the male character. This will also draw reference back to my target audience whom are mature females.
I chose for the main title to be placed at the bottom right so that it will be the last thing that the audience will see. It will be in a sans serif font to provide an informality to the cover drawing back on the ages of the main characters.
For the back cover I chose to have the main title placed at the top to reinforce the shows name. Then I would have the blurb, in which a general overview of the show would be provided and this way that the audience will understand the content of the show. Underneath, following the codes and conventions, I have chosen to include stills of the show so that the audience gets a visual stimulus of what the shows content will be like. I will then have a group shot at the bottom to reinforce the main characters of the show so the audience is reminded and won' t be new to any characters.
The colour scheme for the DVD cover I felt would be a more inviting and appealing palette. I felt that white and red would go well together in contrast to the magazine palette which is red and black. The white would provide a sense of positivity for the audience. The red I feel acts as a more dominant position thus drawing the audience's eyes towards the main title on the cover.
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