February 06, 2010
These are the main commonalities that are present within the TV Drama magazines I have reserached:
>> The Masthead will always be the first thing that the audience sees. There is the exception that an image bleeds onto the masthead showing it has been established for a long time.
>> The central image is relative to the magazine as well as the shows nature. Also, it comply's with the colour scheme of the magazine in order to draw the audience attention.
>> All minor articles or coverlines are positioned to one side of the cover to show their insignificance.
>> The text is mainly sans serif for a younger audience, this way the magazine seems more inviting.
>> The main article takes up most of the front cover in order to make the reader jump to that article.
>> All insignificant information or the plugs are positioned out of sight but are still visible enough so that the reader is still informed of things such as the date, price or issue number.
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